So, I am in the middle of writing the final draft of my final chapter of my final (ur well my ONLY) dissertation, and what do I do? Well obviously, I catch up on my much neglected blog! Since I haven't had much time to cook, or, well, to take care of anything but writing for that matter, these posts will be filled with fun tips on how I was able to survive, well-hydrated and fed, throughout the hellish, grueling dissertation process. Wait a minute, I am not done, you say? Well, technically no, but get me another green smoothie and watch me cross that PhD finish line.
Speaking of green smoothies, have you been introduced to the
Glowing Green Smoothie? Be warned, if you start reading about Kimberly Snyder's beauty tips, you might actually consider going vegan, and if you actually make yourself a Glowing Green Smoothie, you might be tempted to chuck your blender for an ethereal Vitamix. So, unless you have some windfall cash floating around, you might want to hold off on this health adventure.
Ok, to be fair, this enthusiasm might actually be the smoothie talking. I kid you not. I am only on my second batch and I have been literally bouncing with energy. This isn't always a great thing. I need to learn how to handle my smoothie. For instance, yesterday I was s

o intensely concentrated on writing that I didn't have time to think about preparing food, so I decided to drink smoothie all day long. While this might be good for some, for me it meant a 4 am bedtime. Oh yeah, and for someone getting up at the crack of dawn to start typing, that's crazy! While you correctly assume that my insomnia may be a factor of extreme anxiety brought on by the stressful process of writing, I say to you that such anxiety cannot account for my zip. I was dancing at 3 am. Okay, it was probably both stress and the power of good greens, but I've decided to limit my smoothie downing to am hours anyway, otherwise I risk becoming the Glowing Green Monster (see Lady Gaga for the positive use of this term).
In any case, I heartily recommend it!
Now back to writing...