If there is one thing about me that you learn rather quickly on a road trip its that I have an illogical aversion to water. Not all water mind you, just certain water experiences. For instance, I never drink plain water out of a glass made of glass. I have a very strong olifactory reaction that immediately transports my nose memory to a sidewalk directly after a rainstorm, you know where I am going with this, that strong earthwormy fragrance? Uh huh, I can't get past it. And isn't it altogether Hitchcockian the half-steamy warm, half-goosebumpy cool feeling that you get jumping into a shower? Yikes! Plus, have you ever been caught in the rain fully clothed? Well, let me tell you that it is not romantic in the least! Try feeling pretty while you waddle back home in a pair of soaked jeans that weigh two-hundred pounds. Definitely not a Notebook
worthy scene!I know, I know, our bodies are like 90% water, and in some way this means that I am a self-hater, but I really want to like water. I really want to love water. I really need to drink more water. So, today's blog is dedicated to some tips on how to make water desirable to the hydrophobe.
1. Add Fruit to disguise the tastelessness of H20
I am not simply talking about adding a lemon slice to your glass. I mean an all out fruit infusion. Think sangria without alcohol. I've tried many fruits and combinations. I'd even suggest cucumber and mint for a hot summer day. Basically you add a lot of fruit to a pitcher of water and let it sit. Drink and enjoy the subtle flavors!
2. Tea in your belly is sublime
I could d

rink gallons of peppermint tea without ever knowing that I was really drinking mostly water. Tea is much better than those flavor packs that contain a lot of sugar and preservatives. I use straight up herbal teas that don't caffeinate me or give me too much flavor. Plus, the warm tingly feeling of warm tea in your belly staves off hunger and promotes good digestion! Score on both counts! You could also ice herbal teas for those East Coast heatwaves that we've been having.
3. Almost Natural Street Fair Lemonade
This delicately sweetened drink is for when I just can't bear the thought of drinking a full pint of water. It is a version of street fair lemonade but without the cup of refined sugar. Squeeze the juice of half of a lemon into a glass, add a quarter tsp of Stevia, fill the glass with ice, then water, stir, enjoy.
4. The Not-so-into-Gatorade Coconut Alternative
If you need some fast hydration coconut water is simply the best. It is flavorful and

naturally packed with electrolytes. No artificial ingredients here, and it works like a charm to get you feeling steady after an incredibly rigorous two hours of dance aerobics!
I actually like it when I am writing, it gives me a boost of energy.
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